- Networking event announcement (08.09.2022, updated 20.09.2022)
- ERC grantees in Slovenia are offering temporary employment to refugee researchers and support staff from Ukraine (05.04.2022)
- Intent to support the involvement of Ukrainian researchers in research in Slovenia (16.03.2022)
- ARRS Annual Report for 2019 Published (24.08.2020)
- »In Slovenia, the National Research Agency has taken a “thoughtful approach” to research in times of pandemic«, interview with the Acting Director of the Slovenian Research Agency (ARRS) Dr. József Györkös (17.04.2020)
- Slovenian science and research in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic (02.04.2020)
- Research on SARS-CoV-2 (hereinafter: COVID-19) within the framework of research programmes (02.04.2020)
- Coordination of the Agency's activities during the COVID-19 pandemic (02.04.2020)
- ARRS: one of 18 European research funders enabling joined proposals for researchers (27.02.2020)
- Central European Science Partnership – CEUS: preannouncement of the first international call for proposals within the multilateral scheme of Lead Agency – provisional publishing date of the call: 22 February 2020 (09.12.2019, updated 12.12.2019)
- Science Europe publishes a Briefing Paper on Open Access to Academic Books (27.09.2019)
- CERIC-ERIC call for proposals for multidisciplinary and multi-technique research in all fields of materials and nanotechnology (22.07.2019)
- ARRS Annual Report for 2018 Published (17.07.2019)
- Partners of Central European Science Partnership – CEUS signed a Memorandum of Understanding on establishment of the multilateral Lead Agency (18.06.2019)
- Data on the volume and structure of ARRS's funding in 2018 available online (11.06.2019, updated 14.06.2019)
- cOAlition S Releases Revised Implementation Guidance on Plan S Following Public Feedback Exercise (31.05.2019)
- European Commission Publishes a Booklet on Supported Projects for Innovating Cities (28.05.2019)
- 52 National Funding Agencies gathered at the 8th GRC Meeting in São Paulo, Brazil to discuss impacts of funded research, as well as open access and gender equality (10.05.2019)
- JPI Urban Europe Policy Conference in Brussels and Launch of the Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda – SRIA 2.0 (21.02.2019)
- CERIC-ERIC call for proposals for multidisciplinary and multi-technique research in all fields of materials and biomaterials sciences, and nanotechnology (20.02.2019)
- Feedback on the Implementation Guidance of Plan S Generates Large Public Response (20.02.2019)
- Minister of Education, Science and Sports Prof Dr Jernej Pikalo visits ARRS (20.02.2019)
- ARRS strengthens collaboration with Switzerland – Agreement on Lead Agency co-operation signed (07.02.2019)
- Director of the ARRS visits CERIC (02.11.2018)
- Four Central European RFOs Sign a Letter of Intent on the Establishment of the »Central European Science Partnership – CEUS« (13.09.2018)
- cOAlition S - a Group of RFOs in Cooperation with the European Commission and the ERC Announces 10 Principles to Decisively Implement Open Access of Scholarly Publishing by 2020 (05.09.2018)
- Refreshed international comparisons on R&D published (08.08.2018)
- ARRS Annual Report for 2017 Published (02.08.2018)
- CERIC-ERIC is calling for proposals for multidisciplinary and multi-technique research in all fields of materials and biomaterials sciences, and nanotechnology (27.07.2018)
- This is SUPERCOOL – Another Success of Slovenia-based Researcher at the ERC Call, supplement (27.07.2018, updated 10.08.2018)
- European Commission and a Group of RFOs Preparing a “Plan S” on Open Access (20.07.2018)
- European Commission publishes Proposal on Horizon Europe (11.06.2018)
- Four Newly Awarded Fellowships to visit ERC Grantee (14.05.2018)
- Join the Sciencetival (Znanstival) 2018 (14.05.2018)
- Data on the volume and structure of ARRS's funding in 2017 available online (10.05.2018)
- Prof Roman Jerala of National Insitute of Chemistry awarded an ERC Advanced Grant (06.04.2018)
- Prof Primož Ziherl awarded Mentor of the year Prize (23.03.2018)
- New insight into electrochemical performance of organic cathode materials in Nature Communications published by the Researchers from the National Institute of Chemistry (21.02.2018)
- CERIC-ERIC Call for proposals for access to integrated multidisciplinary facilities for Materials and Biomaterials (24.01.2018)
- Professor Matevž Dular of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Ljubljana attains the first Slovenian ERC Consolidator grant (29.11.2017)
- Science Communication Days 2017 (22.11.2017)
- Visit of the ARRS representative at IVLP 2017 #HiddenNoMore (20.10.2017)
- Directors and Presidents of Central-European research funding agencies express their commitment to deepen regional cooperation at Ljubljana meeting (13.09.2017)
- Jožef Stefan Institute: Call for Expression of Interest Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions Individual Fellowship (18.07.2017)
- Refreshed international comparisons on R&D published (10.07.2017)
- ARRS Published Annual report for 2016 featuring ERC Grantee Prof Tomaž Prosen and Excellent in science achievements of 2016 (07.07.2017)
- Science Europe Releases Key Principles to Shape the Future Framework Programme (05.07.2017)
- ARRS marks 10 years since the first usage of the eForms portal (29.06.2017)
- HORCs of RFOs worldwide adopt Statements of Principles on Dynamic Interplay Between Fundamental Research and Innovation, and Capacity Building and Connectivity Among Granting Agencies Worldwide at 6th Annual Global Research Council Meeting (20.06.2017)
- Results of the first national call »ERC Fellowship to Visit ERC Grantee« published – seven researchers to visit ERC grant holders in five countries (12.06.2017)
- Data on the volume and structure of ARRS's funding in 2016 available online (05.05.2017)
- Bilateral Co-operation Calls: in focus, Austria (21.03.2017)
- Science Europe Launches a New Quarterly Science Europe Newsletter (28.02.2017)
- Management Board Adopted the Agency’s 2016 Annual Report (24.02.2017)
- Science Europe Publishes for the Practical Guide on Improving Gender Equality (09.02.2017)
- High Level Group of Innovators Established to Advise on a Potential European Innovation Council – Slovenian Expertise On-Board (27.01.2017)
- ERC Advanced Grant Call for Proposals is Open (01.06.2016)
- The President of the European Research Council, Professor Jean-Pierre Bourguignon Visits Slovenia (01.06.2016)
- Latest Edition of the ERC Ideas Newsletter puts Focus on Slovenia (23.12.2016)
- Slovenian Research Agency is reinforcing bilateral and other international activities (17.11.2016)
- Slovenian Research Agency (ARRS) Among First Six European Agencies to Introduce »ERC Fellowship to Visit ERC Grantee« (11.10.2016)
- RCUK Statement on international collaboration post EU referendum (15.07.2016)
- A significant achievement in the field of organic electronics: fully organic, flexible optical memory elements (01.07.2016)
- The President of the European Research Council, Professor Jean-Pierre Bourguignon Visits Slovenia for the First Time (13.06.2016)
- Spreading the News - Interactive Map of Slovenian Scientists Abroad (12.05.2016)
- Professor Dr Tomaž Prosen awarded with ERC advanced grant (04.04.2016)
- Slovenian scientists confirmed association between the Zika virus and Microcephaly (15.02.2016)
- February 11th proclaimed as the International Day of Women and Girls in Science (15.02.2016)
- Visit of the Minister of Education, Science and Sports prof. Maja Makovec Brenčič at ARRS (27.10.2015)
- National Strategy of Open Access to Scientific Publications and Research Data in Slovenia 2015-2020 Adopted (14.09.2015)
- Five new projects within the ERC Complementary Scheme (01.09.2015)
- Science Europe Invites New Thinking on the Future of Joint Programming (26.08.2015)
- Slovenian Research Agency becomes full member of the JPI Urban Europe (19.08.2015)
- Innovative approach for trans-border co-operation – the Lead Agency instrument (02.06.2015)
- ARRS's Annual Report for 2014 (28.05.2015)
- Prof. Dr. József Györkös began his term of office as a Director of the Slovenian Research Agency (24.11.2014)
Page maintained by: Kaja Kovač
Last change: 20.09.2022