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ARRS: one of 18 European research funders enabling joined proposals for researchers |
(Ljubljana, February 17 2020) The ARRS Scientific Council
vouched for signing the agreement to join the Multilateral Lead Agency (MLA)
framework. Based on mutual recognition of proposal evaluation procedures, 18
research funders, researchers will be invited to submit their collaborative
research projects through a single application procedure.
Eighteen agencies have drawn up an agreement within the
Science Europe Task Force that sets out the details of (co)funding integrated
research projects: AKA (Finland),
ANR (France),
ARRS (Slovenia),
DFG (Germany),
FCT (Portugal),
FNR (Luxembourg),
FNRS (Belgium),
FORMAS (Sweden),
FWF (Austria),
FWO (Belgium),
GACR (Czech Republic),
HRZZ (Croatia),
NCN (Poland),
NWO (Netherlands),
RCN (Norway),
SFI (Ireland),
UKRI (Great Britain) and
SNSF (Switzerland, also Head of the
Task Force). The MLA framework builds upon the experience with Lead Agency
bilateral agreements and broadens the collaboration.
The new collaboration framework should make the submission of
cross-border research project proposals easier, simplify their administration,
decrease the workload due to peer review procedures and improve the
collaboration between RFOs. In the start-up phase, an application may include up
to three (co)funding agencies.
The Lead Agency framework represents a significant reduction
of administrative burden since the evaluation procedure is carried out by only
one of the collaborating funders, the lead agency.
Such cooperation also entails mutual recognition of
evaluations in a spirit of building trust and guaranteeing transparency and
fairness in the assessment of MLA proposals.
Following the deliberation of research councils of the
individual research funders, the agreement is expected to be signed in second
semester of 2020. Calls for proposals are expected to be launched in 2021 within
the framework of predetermined funding schemes; at the ARRS, this is the annual
call for research projects.