The Agency performs the following tasks:
- selects and finances research and infrastructure programmes that provide
a public service in the research field;
- manages young researcher projects and other projects assigned to the
Agency as part of the National Research and Development Programme and the
annual plan of the ministry responsible for science;
- monitors the usefulness, innovation level, efficiency, quality,
competitiveness and professionalism of the work research organisations
allocated funding or other incentives;
- monitors and supervises programmes and projects from the first and
second points of this list;
- promotes international cooperation and co-financing and implements
commitments undertaken within international agreements, memorandum and
protocols signed by the Republic of Slovenia;
- manages the databases set out in the Research and Development Act and
other regulations;
- ensures the acquisition of additional funding for the National Research
and Development Programme;
- evaluate and analyses the implementation of research and development
- participates in national research and development policy making;
- collaborates with the Technological development agency and other
agencies and organisations;
- in accordance with regulations provides the ministry responsible for
science with an annual work plan, financial plans, annual reports and
periodic self-assessment reports on the quality of the Agency’s work;
- promotes links between public research institutes and users;
- performs other professional tasks consistent with its founding statute.