About the Agency |
International cooperation - Overview |
The Slovenian Research Agency's (ARRS) portfolio of international cooperation
follows three main focus areas:
- Bilateral Co-operation is based on the obligations from
international bilateral and multilateral agreements, programs, memoranda and
protocols signed by the Republic of Slovenia, Ministry of Education, Science
and Sports. In 2015 the ARRS co-financed bilateral co-operation with 12
countries, including CEA (Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy
Commission). Special attention is given to co-operation with countries
outside EU28, to Western Balkans and countries outside Europe (in 2015
United States of America, Japan, China, Russia, India, Argentina). In 2015
64.1 % of funding was allocated to bilateral cooperation with above
mentioned countries and region of Western Balkans.
- Strengthening multilateral co-operation in the European Research Area
is reinforced through:
- ERC Complementary Scheme:
ARRS invites applicants from Slovenian research organizations who
were positively evaluated in ERC calls for proposals but were not
selected for funding, to submit an adapted project to the ARRS that
targets the main aim of the original ERC project but is adapted in
objectives and scope of work. ARRS co-finances projects up to 3-years
and 200.000 EUR annually. In 2015 ARRS co-financed 11 projects in the
ERC Complementary Scheme.
- The Lead Agency Instrument:
ARRS cooperates with the
Austrian FWF, the
Belgian Flemish FWO and the
Hungarian NKFIH and aims at widening this form of international
cooperation within and outside of Europe. In the Lead Agency procedure,
the joint project application is submitted to the research funding
organisation (RFO) that is to finance the larger financial share. This
funding agency in the sequel acts as Lead Agency (LA). The application
must follow the application guidelines of the LA. The application
consists of a joint scientific description of the project, delineating
the scientific contributions of the respective partners. In the case of
approval, the project parts are financed by the respective RFO in
accordance with its standard practices. In 2015 ARRS co-financed 14
projects in the scheme of the Lead Agency.
- Remuneration for Horizon 2020 Applications:
A financial contribution to the costs of the project application in
the amount of 1,000 EUR (or 2,000 when acting as co-ordinator of an
international consortium) can be payed to any Slovenian research
organisation (within »de minimis« rules for State aid) which, with its
application, reaches at least 65 % of the possible score in the Horizon
2020 review process. In 2015, 573 financial contributions were
Additionally, ARRS acts as an active member of the
ERA-NET NORFACE since 2005 and as a full member of the
JPI Urban Europe from 2015. In both networks ARRS participates in
international calls for proposals, thus opening possibilities to Slovenian
researchers to collaborate in the ERA and wider.
ARRS also supports participation in
COST Actions. COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology)
is an intergovernmental framework for cooperation of research organizations
from different European countries in the field of science and technology,
which allows for co-ordination of nationally funded research and networking
of researchers.
- Interagency Co-operation:
- Science Europe:
ARRS is one of the founding members of
Science Europe, Brussels-based European umbrella association of
European Research Funding Organisations (RFO) and Research Performing
Organisations (RPO). At present Science Europe comprise of 47 member
organisations from 27 countries, representing around 30 billion Euros
per annum .
- Science Connect:
By the end of 2016, ARRS remains the member of newly established
organisation Science Connect that has succeeded the
European Science Foundation.
- Global Research Council:
ARRS follows activities of the
Global Research Council, participates in European Regional meetings
and GRC Annual Meetings, when topics of relevance to the ARRS are