Facts and Figures |
The scope and structure of funding - archives |
Year 2022
2021 |
2022 |
Indeks |
% in the ARRS budget (2022) |
Budget of the ARRS |
225.150.559 |
273.986.199 |
122 |
100,0% |
Stable funding |
122.584.709 |
156.133.443 |
127 |
57,0% |
Research programmes |
76.544.308 |
82.785.620 |
108 |
30,2% |
Infrastructure programmmes |
16.762.348 |
17.750.613 |
106 |
6,5% |
Founding obligations |
29.278.053 |
55.597.210 |
190 |
20,3% |
Research projects |
49.001.863 |
56.726.176 |
116 |
20,7% |
Basic projects |
35.895.271 |
41.851.238 |
117 |
15,3% |
Applicative projects |
7.141.796 |
7.864.318 |
110 |
2,9% |
Postdoctoral projects |
3.727.907 |
4.516.530 |
121 |
1,6% |
Targeted research programmes |
2.236.888 |
2.494.089 |
111 |
0,9% |
Human resources |
26.205.775 |
31.443.284 |
120 |
11,5% |
Young researchers |
26.205.775 |
31.443.284 |
120 |
11,5% |
International cooperation |
9.889.185 |
13.295.082 |
134 |
4,9% |
Projects* |
8.756.760 |
11.551.673 |
132 |
4,2% |
Bilateral and multilateral cooperation |
1.132.425 |
1.743.410 |
154 |
0,6% |
Infrastructure |
17.469.027 |
16.388.213 |
94 |
6,0% |
Research equipment |
8.807.781 |
6.723.743 |
76 |
2,5% |
Information support, foreign literature |
6.395.976 |
6.876.806 |
108 |
2,5% |
Magazines and books |
2.265.270 |
2.787.665 |
123 |
1,0% |
Year 2021
2020 |
2021 |
Indeks |
% in the ARRS budget (2021) |
Budget of the ARRS |
206.822.405 |
225.150.559 |
109 |
100,0% |
Stable funding |
116.159.896 |
122.584.709 |
106 |
54,4% |
Research programmes |
74.907.991 |
76.544.308 |
102 |
34,0% |
Infrastructure programmmes |
16.236.088 |
16.762.348 |
103 |
7,4% |
Founding obligations |
25.015.816 |
29.278.053 |
117 |
13,0% |
Research projects |
44.102.550 |
49.001.863 |
111 |
21,8% |
Basic projects |
31.765.781 |
35.895.271 |
113 |
15,9% |
Applicative projects |
6.598.631 |
7.141.796 |
108 |
3,2% |
Postdoctoral projects |
3.831.353 |
3.727.907 |
97 |
1,7% |
Targeted research programmes |
1.906.784 |
2.236.888 |
117 |
1,0% |
Human resources |
24.747.425 |
26.205.775 |
106 |
11,6% |
Young researchers |
24.747.425 |
26.205.775 |
106 |
11,6% |
International cooperation
8.235.300 |
9.889.185 |
120 |
4,4% |
Projects |
6.717.172 |
8.756.760 |
130 |
3,9% |
Bilateral and multilateral cooperation |
1.518.128 |
1.132.425 |
75 |
0,5% |
Infrastructure |
13.577.234 |
17.469.027 |
129 |
7,8% |
Research equipment |
5.826.849 |
8.807.781 |
151 |
3,9% |
Information support, foreign literature |
5.731.730 |
6.395.976 |
112 |
2,8% |
Magazines and books |
2.018.655 |
2.265.270 |
112 |
1,0% |
Year 2020
2019 |
2020 |
Indeks |
% in the ARRS budget (2020) |
Budget of the ARRS |
182.783.128 |
206.822.405 |
113 |
100,0% |
Stable funding |
105.229.217 |
116.159.896 |
110 |
56,2% |
Research programmes |
66.646.484 |
74.907.991 |
112 |
36,2% |
Infrastructure programmmes |
15.564.254 |
16.236.088 |
104 |
7,9% |
Founding obligations |
23.018.479 |
25.015.816 |
109 |
12,1% |
Research projects |
38.368.613 |
44.102.550 |
115 |
21,3% |
Basic projects |
27.245.474 |
31.765.781 |
117 |
15,4% |
Applicative projects |
6.393.885 |
6.598.631 |
103 |
3,2% |
Postdoctoral projects |
3.456.581 |
3.831.353 |
111 |
1,9% |
Targeted research programmes |
1.272.672 |
1.906.784 |
150 |
0,9% |
Human resources |
21.944.246 |
24.747.425 |
113 |
12,0% |
Young researchers |
21.938.546 |
24.747.425 |
113 |
12,0% |
Young doctors |
5.700 |
International cooperation
6.504.393 |
8.235.300 |
127 |
4,0% |
Projects |
4.418.466 |
6.717.172 |
152 |
3,2% |
Bilateral and multilateral cooperation |
2.085.927 |
1.518.128 |
73 |
0,7% |
Infrastructure |
10.736.660 |
13.577.234 |
126 |
6,6% |
Research equipment |
3.148.479 |
5.826.849 |
185 |
2,8% |
Information support, foreign literature |
5.705.628 |
5.731.730 |
100 |
2,8% |
Magazines and books |
1.882.553 |
2.018.655 |
107 |
1,0% |
Year 2019
2018 |
2019 |
Index |
% in the ARRS budget (2019) |
Budget of the ARRS |
164.205.145 |
182.783.128 |
111 |
100,0% |
Stable funding |
98.340.838 |
105.229.217 |
107 |
57,6% |
Research programmes |
62.913.074 |
66.646.484 |
106 |
36,5% |
Infrastructure programmmes |
13.549.389 |
15.564.254 |
115 |
8,5% |
Founding obligations |
21.878.374 |
23.018.479 |
105 |
12,6% |
Research projects |
33.664.091 |
38.368.613 |
114 |
21,0% |
Basic projects |
23.313.478 |
27.245.474 |
117 |
14,9% |
Applicative projects |
6.412.228 |
6.393.885 |
100 |
3,5% |
Postdoctoral projects |
2.568.664 |
3.456.581 |
135 |
1,9% |
Targeted research programmes |
1.369.721 |
1.272.672 |
93 |
0,7% |
Human resources |
18.237.361 |
21.944.246 |
120 |
12,0% |
Young researchers |
18.220.261 |
21.938.546 |
120 |
12,0% |
Young doctors |
17.100 |
5.700 |
33 |
0,0% |
International cooperation
5.160.774 |
6.504.393 |
126 |
3,6% |
Projects |
3.432.314 |
4.418.466 |
129 |
2,4% |
Bilateral and multilateral cooperation |
1.728.460 |
2.085.927 |
121 |
1,1% |
Infrastructure |
8.802.082 |
10.736.660 |
122 |
5,9% |
Research equipment |
1.423.686 |
3.148.479 |
221 |
1,7% |
Information support, foreign literature |
5.668.945 |
5.705.628 |
101 |
3,1% |
Magazines and books |
1.709.450 |
1.882.553 |
110 |
1,0% |
Year 2018
2017 |
2018 |
Index |
% in the
budget (2018) |
ARRS budget |
148.222.360 |
164.205.145 |
111 |
100,0% |
Stable funding |
90.935.693 |
98.340.838 |
108 |
59,9% |
Research programmes |
57.893.801 |
62.913.074 |
109 |
38,3% |
Infrastructure programmes |
12.365.834 |
13.549.389 |
110 |
8,3% |
Founding obligations |
20.676.058 |
21.878.374 |
106 |
13,3% |
Research projects |
27.305.254 |
33.664.091 |
123 |
20,5% |
Basic projects |
18.287.416 |
23.313.478 |
127 |
14,2% |
Applicative projects |
5.549.635 |
6.412.228 |
116 |
3,9% |
Postdoctoral projects |
2.362.626 |
2.568.664 |
109 |
1,6% |
Targeted research programmes |
1.105.578 |
1.369.721 |
124 |
0,8% |
Human resources |
17.374.398 |
18.237.361 |
105 |
11,1% |
Young researchers |
17.135.093 |
18.220.261 |
106 |
11,1% |
Young doctors |
239.305 |
17.100 |
7 |
0,0% |
International cooperation |
4.444.577 |
5.160.774 |
116 |
3,1% |
Projects |
2.774.427 |
3.432.314 |
124 |
2,1% |
Bilateral and multilateral cooperation |
1.670.150 |
1.728.460 |
103 |
1,1% |
Infrastructure |
8.162.438 |
8.802.082 |
108 |
5,4% |
Research equipment |
1.039.690 |
1.423.686 |
137 |
0,9% |
Foreign scientific literature |
5.704.749 |
5.668.945 |
99 |
3,5% |
Journals and monographs |
1.417.999 |
1.709.450 |
121 |
1,0% |
Year 2017
2016 |
2017 |
Index |
% in the
budget (2017) |
ARRS budget |
144.593.031 |
148.222.360 |
103 |
100,0% |
Stable funding |
85.550.172 |
90.935.693 |
106 |
61,4% |
Research programmes |
57.680.052 |
57.893.801 |
100 |
39,1% |
Infrastructure programmes |
9.456.549 |
12.365.834 |
131 |
8,3% |
Founding obligations |
18.413.571 |
20.676.058 |
112 |
13,9% |
Research projects |
29.762.421 |
27.305.254 |
92 |
18,4% |
Basic projects |
19.190.743 |
18.287.416 |
95 |
12,3% |
Applicative projects |
7.127.696 |
5.549.635 |
78 |
3,7% |
Postdoctoral projects |
2.230.200 |
2.362.626 |
106 |
1,6% |
Targeted research programmes |
1.213.781 |
1.105.578 |
91 |
0,7% |
Human resources |
17.967.844 |
17.374.398 |
97 |
11,7% |
Young researchers |
17.287.475 |
17.135.093 |
99 |
11,6% |
Young doctors |
680.369 |
239.305 |
35 |
0,2% |
International cooperation |
3.749.909 |
4.444.577 |
119 |
3,0% |
Projects |
2.213.125 |
2.774.427 |
125 |
1,9% |
Bilateral and multilateral cooperation |
1.536.784 |
1.670.150 |
109 |
1,1% |
Infrastructure |
7.562.686 |
8.162.438 |
108 |
5,5% |
Research equipment |
1.476.973 |
1.039.690 |
70 |
0,7% |
Foreign scientific literature |
4.707.685 |
5.704.749 |
121 |
3,8% |
Journals and monographs |
1.378.028 |
1.417.999 |
103 |
1,0% |
Year 2016
2015 |
2016 |
Index |
% in the
budget (2016) |
ARRS budget |
133.111.369 |
144.593.031 |
109 |
100,0% |
Stable funding |
83.504.576 |
85.550.172 |
102 |
59,2% |
Research programmes |
56.660.798 |
57.680.052 |
102 |
39,9% |
Infrastructure programmes |
9.436.086 |
9.456.549 |
100 |
6,5% |
Founding obligations |
17.407.692 |
18.413.571 |
106 |
12,7% |
Research projects |
22.508.678 |
29.762.421 |
132 |
20,6% |
Basic projects |
13.465.913 |
19.190.743 |
143 |
13,3% |
Applicative projects |
6.331.998 |
7.127.696 |
113 |
4,9% |
Postdoctoral projects |
1.914.480 |
2.230.200 |
116 |
1,5% |
Targeted research programmes |
796.288 |
1.213.781 |
152 |
0,8% |
Human resources |
17.909.375 |
17.967.844 |
100 |
12,4% |
Young researchers |
17.777.448 |
17.287.475 |
97 |
12,0% |
Young doctors |
131.927 |
680.369 |
516 |
0,5% |
International cooperation |
3.185.484 |
3.749.909 |
118 |
2,6% |
Projects |
1.505.826 |
2.213.125 |
147 |
1,5% |
Bilateral and multilateral cooperation |
1.679.657 |
1.536.784 |
91 |
1,1% |
Infrastructure |
6.003.256 |
7.562.686 |
126 |
5,2% |
Research equipment |
233.695 |
1.476.973 |
632 |
1,0% |
Foreign scientific literature |
4.357.686 |
4.707.685 |
108 |
3,3% |
Journals and monographs |
1.411.875 |
1.378.028 |
98 |
1,0% |
Year 2015
2014 |
2015 |
Index |
% in the ARRS
budget (2015) |
ARRS budget |
136.496.453 |
133.111.369 |
98 |
100,0% |
funding |
82.193.301 |
83.504.576 |
102 |
62,7% |
Research programmes |
55.619.674 |
56.660.798 |
102 |
42,6% |
programmes |
8.898.782 |
9.436.086 |
106 |
7,1% |
obligations |
17.674.844 |
17.407.692 |
98 |
13,1% |
projects |
25.972.235 |
22.508.678 |
87 |
16,9% |
Basic projects |
15.639.691 |
13.465.913 |
86 |
10,1% |
projects |
7.920.161 |
6.331.998 |
80 |
4,8% |
projects |
1.803.782 |
1.914.480 |
106 |
1,4% |
Targeted research
programmes |
608.601 |
796.288 |
131 |
0,6% |
Human resources |
19.926.125 |
17.909.375 |
90 |
13,5% |
Young researchers |
19.926.125 |
17.777.448 |
89 |
13,4% |
Young doctors |
0 |
131.927 |
0,1% |
cooperation |
2.634.575 |
3.185.484 |
121 |
2,4% |
Projects |
1.185.020 |
1.505.826 |
127 |
1,1% |
and multilateral cooperation |
1.449.554 |
1.679.657 |
116 |
1,3% |
Infrastructure |
5.770.217 |
6.003.256 |
104 |
4,5% |
equipment |
0 |
233.695 |
0,2% |
support, foreign literature |
4.355.647 |
4.357.686 |
100 |
3,3% |
and monographs |
1.414.570 |
1.411.875 |
100 |
1,1% |
Year 2014
Structure of the budget 2014 (in %)

Year 2013
Funds 2013
(in euro) |
Budget of the SRA |
144.685.788 |
Institutional financing |
80.070.026 |
Competitive financing |
51.784.336 |
International scientific cooperation |
Other infrastructure |
10.222.616 |
Structure of the budget 2013 (in %)
